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Social Media in Education

Social Media and College When I was in high school, I was told to watch what I put on social media because colleges will look at what I post. Then, when I was getting my teaching degree, I was told to be cautious about what gets posted publicly in case my employer looked me up. There was so much pressure about my online presence. Yet, I was not sure if employers were actually that thorough. This week, I explored multiple article pertaining to college and social media usage. I chose this because I work with first year students at university and used to work with middle schoolers, so it is very relevant to my work. Image Source: US News How to Sabotage Your Chances I learned that from a Kaplan survey, the study found that nearly 36% of college admission's officers admitted to checking student's online. I didn't expect the number to be that high considering that, depending on the college, there could be thousands of applications to go through. I think this article promotes th

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