Looking Back, Looking Ahead

Change is inevitable. Growth is optional. -John C. Maxwell 

Unlike most of my classmates, I did not enter the course until the middle of Week 2. I did not even know this course existed until I needed a substitution. Joining the course was a last minute decision to say the least. However, switching to this course was one of the best decisions I have made!

Looking Back

When I first started this course, I felt anxious due to coming in late. Yet, I was very fascinated by educational technology since most of my educational experience was done remotely, and I am an avid technology user in my personal life. Below was my reaction to being in the course in the first couple weeks, taken from my first blog post:

Image Source: NBA

After finishing up the class, I do have a different GIF to describe how I feel. Below is my new reaction, which is from Abbott Elementary (I highly recommend). I feel as though I am more reflective on how I am integrating technology into both my instruction and my leisure time. I find myself more open to exploring technology, but not letting it control me as it did before. 

Image Source: ABC Network

Out of all of the content we were given, the one that stood out the most to me was the concept of a "Digital Resident", as coined by David White. This is due to multiple reasons:

  • I rely on online spaces for some of my relationships with others
  • It brings up the conversation of digital privacy
  • It led me to become more intentional about how I spent my time online

Understanding the role of being a Digital Resident made me more hyperaware of the information I was sharing with others in order to maintain my digital residency. Now, I try to be more cautious on what I post, and have set boundaries for my social media apps.

I was always open minded about technology, and am a strong supporter of it's benefits in the classroom. However, this class has changed my mind on how much I let technology take over my instruction. I feel more intentional about how I use it, and now understand it is not a "cure-all" for classrooms. At the end of the day, technology is a tool, and we should have more than one tool in our toolbox to be effective instructors.

Looking Ahead

The quote I chose for at the top of post was,"Change is inevitable. Growth is optional". I ended up in this course because of a sudden change in plans. Yet, it was my choice whether to take the content given to me and do something with it. 

Ultimately, I chose growth. I chose to monitor my social media usage, try new apps, revise some of my lessons, and engage with my peer's content to learn their perspectives. I have gained so many new tools to try at home and in the classroom to help me with productivity and engagement! I was also able to connect with amazing instructors during the Twitter #edChats.

I am very thankful for this class, and I think these conversations need to be happening more often in the workplace, classroom, and/or the home. It makes me wonder, where can I even start?


Excited Pumped Up [GIF]. (2019). Retrieved from https://giphy.com/gifs/nba-dance-8rFgzA7aBR0aomiOMj

Think Sheryl Lee Ralph [GIF]. (2022). Retrieved from https://giphy.com/gifs/abcnetwork-MRsWGk355jTJXeQfvf
