
Photo Attribute to my friend, Vanessa

About Me

Hello! My name is Lauren Johnson and I am 23 years old. I have two brothers and am the middle child of my family. I am a lifelong Illinois resident, although I will never get used to Chicago winters.

I am a Graduate Intern for the Office of Accommodations and Disability Access at Dominican University. I work with college-level students who are identified as having disabilities, mental health needs, and/or chronic conditions.

On top of interning and finishing my Master's Degree, I am currently planning my Spring 2023 wedding. (Lions and Tigers and Bears! Oh My!) 

(Gif retrieved from GIPHY)

Education Experience

I have been labelled a "Professional Student" by friends and family. It could be due to entering my 6th year as a student at Dominican University.

I earned my B.A. in History (Secondary Education) with a minor in Theology and American Studies from Dominican in 2021. Currently, I am in my final semester for my Masters of Science in Special Education (MSSPED) with an LBS1 Endorsement.


Course Expectations

As a current remote worker, I am very excited to learn how I can include more technology into my department so we can improve how we support students at Dominican University. We are a small office compared to other universities in the nation, so taking advantage of these opportunities is valuable for us.

I am also interested in exploring how to create educational digital content. I was diagnosed with Severe Rheumatism, making full-time work in a classroom difficult. With my background in art and education, I would love to create more resources for both educators and students to share online.

Young boy at a NBA game, dancing excitedly and twirling shirt in the air

My reaction to being in EDU 776 (GIPHY)

Technology Use

Personal Life

Most people are surprised to find out my phone is not permanently glued to my hand. As a Gen Z adult, technology is a major part of my life. I use technology in two major ways: Social Media and Medical Administration.

Social Media
I am an artist, so I use technology to gather references, draw digitally, and share my art with others. Since I am no longer taking art courses, I rely on digital spaces to share my art. Technology has also enabled me to keep up with family and friends since I have not been able to engage in social activities due to the risk of contracting COVID-19.

I have noticed a trend in teacher Instagram's, commonly referred to as a "Teachergram". It has caused a fast diffusion of resources, but has also led to issues of identity protection. How can we balance creating digital content while protecting the privacy of our classroom?

Medical Administration
I heavily rely on technology as a chronically ill adult. I use technology to communicate with my health providers, house my medical documents, set my medication reminders, and receive on-call support.

At Work

During my student teaching placement, I never stepped into a physical classroom. I was one of the many candidates who had to do their placement virtually due to COVID-19. I had to adjust to the technological demand very fast while teaching my mentor teacher how to master the new digital tools we needed to use.

I used the following digital tools with great success:

As a current remote worker, I would not be able to do my job without access to technology. 
Here are some ways I use technology at the Office of Accommodations and Disability Access:
  • Communication with students, publishers, and faculty/staff is done via email
  • Zoom is our platform for intake meetings and 1:1 support
  • We use assistive technology such as Kurzweil, Glean,, and Bookshare
  • Star Tracker is a closed, online platform for housing student records and case notes

Image References


  1. Great to meet you, Lauren. Thank you for sharing such a detailed introduction (and including a picture of a giant acorn!). I enjoyed learning about your relationship to technology and look forward to learning more this fall.


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